

Sunday 28 March 2010

How to Fix the Xbox 360 E74 Error - Permanent Fix Exposed

Oh no, have you've been stuck with that annoying e74 error message that constantly pops up in your screen when turning on your Xbox 360 console?

You're probably wondering how to fix the Xbox 360 e74 error message ASAP, right?

Well, I'm glad you came across this article because I will help you get your console working again.

The first thing you want to do is replace the A/V cable that you have with another one. Instead of buying one, ask one of your friends to let you borrow it and see if it solves the problem.

Another option is to disconnect everything that's connected to the Xbox console: The power cable, the A/V cable and even the hard drive for about an hour or so.

At this point if problem still persist then the e74 error message can still be fixed!

Before doing anything else I would like to mention something first:

You might leave this article and look else where for a solution to the e74 error message but the truth of the matter is, the internet is filled with garbage and it will most likely lead you to the wrong place.

After all, that's why you're reading this article because you're looking for an appropriate fix for your console right?

You can take your console to a local technician, and they will most likely charge you big bucks for it. Anything from $80 and up is the ideal cost. The only problem with this option is that these technicians might take advantage with your console by taking parts and replacing it with others.

Yes, you heard that right. Many of my friends experienced it and most of them were ripped off. So that might not be the appropriate solution.

However, you can find a reliable Xbox 360 repair guide from the comfort of your own home. The freeze ups, the distorted graphics, the e74 error message and the red ring of death can be permanently fixed with a guide that thousands of people have successfully used.

A reliable guide that shows testimonials from REAL people just like you saying it worked.

How do you think these technicians learned to fix the core problem of the console?

That's right, just like any of us would do, they looked online for a guide that will teach them everything about fixing an Xbox 360 without sending it to Microsoft.

Anyhow, I hope you found these tips very helpful.

I do encourage you to visit the Xbox's Permanent Fix website to get expanded details on a DIY fix (Do it yourself). Getting an Xbox fixed with your own hands hasn't been easier. Visit for more information regarding an effective permanent Xbox fix.

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